Saturday, April 9, 2011


Okay, so here's a curious thought! Ingratitude! Something most kids of my generation (unfortunately) have. I know that when old people say we have it good, it can be pretty annoying.. buutttttt, when all these kids (and so-called adults sometimes!) roam around with their little iPad, iPod, the newest Android, I'm left to wonder. Do any of these kids realize how good they truely have it?!?

Now I can admit that I've had my share of ungrateful moments. But for crying out loud! I mean get it together people! I have a friend who has everything. He even replaces his cell phone becuase it's what? 2 months old and he's getting sick of it?! What kind of bull crap is that? Then when I finally say that he's being "coddled," he has the nerve to get mad at me.

I am so thankful every day for the things I have. Phone, car, house, money..etc. But now I'm even talking about the simple things that we seem to forget to be thankful for! Our vision, hearing, even the ability to walk and talk. Now I have Erb's Palsy, so the fact that I even have an arm is what I can be thankful for. Now I can admit that having this disability makes me cry sometimes. People don't realize what they take for granted everyday of their lives.

Now I'm not saying everybody is ungrateful little demons. And I'm also not saying all our youth and future kids will be ungrateful. I'm just saying that we're in a generation of people who need to take a moment and realize all that they have. I heard somewhere (maybe two days ago) where this guy was saying, "I bet there are people who have it 10x worse than you, and they smile everyday!) So true!

One thing I hate the most is when people complain about their job! Ugh! That makes me soo flustered! There are so many people (even in our own country) who don't have jobs and would be willing to take the first thing they get. And people have the nerve to complain that their job is too "mushy." What? Is the job not back-breaking enough for ya? I mean even around the world, people work for less than $1 a day and live off of $300 a year, and we have the nerve to complain about simple shit! What's going on here people?!

I have a cousin who is guilty of this "crime." When I bring up FACTS about people working for almost nothing, him and his relatives have the nerve to retort back to me. Making rude, nasty comments. Not my fault if you don't know how good ya have it. In fact here's one thing they said to me.. "Some people don't know they have until they lose it." And I said something like "If you have to lose something to realize it's value, then maybe you didn't deserve it in the first place."

Which brings me to the SAW movies. I currently just saw the last one (#7) and the whole theme/moral of the story is to be grateful for your life. Ugh!

One more thing.. my cousin's moved over from California last November. When they got here they were complaining about how they didn't have insurance and their baby hasn't even been to a doctor/dentist. After a few weeks of dissin' this place as well ( I don't remember for) they got everything they needed. WIC, dental, they even got all the immunizations for their baby. She even found a midwife (since she's having a homebirth..we'll get to that later) that accepted her NEW insurance. They even found a job and an apartment. We've helped them all along the way, and now all of a sudden, they want to move back to California where they had NOTHING! Why???? Because they "miss it."

Now excuse me, but "missing" a place is not enough nor is it responisible to move back to a place where your child (now almost a 2 kids) had no care. You had nowhere to live and no job. Everybody knows that California is pretty much going downhill. So after all we did to help them out, got them everything they could possibly need, even luxuries as in internet and cable TV.  They are acting like such kids and being as impractical as they could be. Did I mention they spent their whole tax return on new baby furniture, and now they plan to leave it all behind?

This is the epitome of ingratitude! I can't stand it!

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