Saturday, April 9, 2011


Here's a curious thought.. homebirth. I know people are a little bit sketchy over that subject. It's almost taboo. Anyway, here's my thought on it.

I honestly am 50/50 about the whole thing. I have no problem with it or the people who make that decision. Perhaps it's the fact that I suffered a birth injury that has me on the fence about it. Some people swear by it. I'm just wondering if people who make that decision really go through all the possibilities that could happen. Of course, birth injuries happen in hospitals but why go and promote the idea by having a homebirth? Now I understand if you want a homebirth because you want it without any type of medication, if this is the case, then why can't you ask for no medicine of any kind in the hospital? I can admit that people who go with this decision are brave in their way. But if something were to happen to that baby, I couldn't help but think that it could've been prevented if they were in a hospital. For example what if you need an emergency C-section? I hear that your midwife will be able to tell in time in case you DO need to go to the hospital. But again. Why take that chance?
I mean this isn't Breaking Dawn where Edward will be opening you up with his teeth to save you/the baby.

So anyway, I think I'm traumatized. I do believe that everything happens for a reason. For example, me having Erb's Palsy.. I do believe that I was meant to have that. So I suppose that if I born at a homebirth it was bound to happen anyway. At the end of the day, whatever will be will be. It's all about your personal preference.

One more thought on this subject: What if 1 parent wants a homebirth and the other doesn't?
What an awful dilemma! I mean, I guess you could say that the mother will feel she has the right to choose. But I think if you're lucky enough to have a father who's participating during the whole pregnancy, he too, should have a choice. I hate when women pull the "I have to carry this baby for 9 months, so I get to blah blah blah." Just because you get pregnant does not mean you should have 100% say on what goes on with the baby.. unless the father isn't present.

So to end this.. homebirthing is not for me, but I have no problem with those that choose it as long as they consider all the available options. :)

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