Sunday, July 31, 2011


So every once and a while we breakdown. That's just the way of life. Things come our way in which it's too much to handle at once. Maybe it's because there's already so much going on in our lives. For all different reasons we breakdown at some point. I'm not usually one to breakdown, but I have before. My breakdowns occur when too many things are happening at once. Or when things aren't going my way, I lose things, or I'm just plain angry. My breakdowns are usually quick. Thankfully, I do pretty well when it comes to big stuff.  When it comes to emotional things, I'm not good at all. I seriously break..down. I change. There's nothing I hate more than when my emotional distress becomes apparent to everyone around me. I'm not the type to cry in front of you.

Last year, I found out some pretty bad news.  I knew I had no one to tell, I just had to suffer it on my own. When it rains, it pours. Soon after that more and more bad news came tumbling down on me. It was too much to handle. For about a week I was quiet, sad, distracted.. it was absolutely awful. It made it worse that I had to keep it from my best friend.. my sister. Luckily for me, she found out the news on her own... 5 months later! I had to hold it in for that long! I know no one was making me do that, but come on. I just couldn't break it to her.  I hate to be the bearer of bad news. I hate keeping secrets. It wears me out.

So anyway when I breakdown, it's usually pretty serious. I become a lost soul. A babe in the woods. Easily angered. I don't like to tell anyone what's going on with me, I don't want to appear weak.  I just wait it out untill it's not apparent anymore even if I'm still sad inside. My breakdowns are awful! I'm usually stuck with them for a LONG time. So what makes you breakdown? How do you deal with it?